Whilst supervision is for many a requirement of Professional Registration, you may have additional reasons for wishing to access supervision.
One or more of the following scenarios may resonate.
You may…

Work as an Occupational Therapist in a mental health setting and/or within independent practice
Work as a Mentor or Mental Health Advisor with university students
Be employed on a sessional basis and are unable to access supervision through your employer
Receive managerial supervision but wish to access supervision from someone more impartial
Find it helpful to explore the emotional impact of your work & identify ways to effectively manage this
Wish to explore and develop your clinical reasoning skills
Like to create regular, protected time to reflect on your work
Prefer the convenience of accessing supervision remotely
Find it helpful to access compassionate, restorative supervision
Wish to explore your professional development needs & ways of achieving these

If you recognise yourself in any of the above, or have other reasons for seeking supervision, please get in touch for an initial discussion.